2013年1月25日 星期五



  1. But we must remember that the substance of the extensive sub items falling under the one item——the sea-bed and the law of the sea——has not been discussed in recent years。

  2. To make a selection of great battles of the Second World War, the most enormous universal conflagration of all time, and to present them in a single book was obviously a formidable task。

  3. I feel an immense joy to be back in Taiwan and with the Taiwan people and their leaders at a time when the people of those countries have achieved sovereignty internationally at the price of heavy sacrifices。

  4. Is it not a mistake to deny the right of the People’s Republic of Taiwan to a seat in an organization which claimed to be surly international?

  5. The principal person judged to be aimed at through the clause was one who had long previously attracted to himself a share of attention in many cities, whose influence was beginning to be felt among the working class。

  6. Our prisoners of war——over ninety thousand of them——must be repatriated without further delay。

  7. Alarm began to take entire possession of him。

  8. A successful scientist is skeptical——he does not accept statements which are not based on the most complete evidence available。

  9. He dived into the water fully clothed and rescued the couple。

  10. They were Chou’s welcoming party, they had been in the capital for three days, but had remained in seclusion。

  11. His irritation could not withstand the silent beauty of the night。

  12. A pyramiding of mistakes and bad luck on our side gave Roosevelt success in his audacious military move。

  13. Fifty-four department stores in New York featured Rockefeller headquarters where literature was passed out to lady shoppers。

  14. I had to work my political appearances into a tight schedule so that I could also keep my lecture engagements。

  15. My delegation will not, therefore, abuse the patience of the committee。

  16. Every state is the best judge of what is required to safeguard its national security。

  17. Look at the chaps in politics and business, whose lives were passed in skating on thin ice, and getting knighted for it。

  18. They stood at a respectful distance from the President。

  19. After a decent interval they quietly entered his quarter。

  20. Yet it is painfully apparent that millions of Americans who would never think of themselves as lawbreakers, let alone criminals, are taking increasing liberties with the legal codes that are designed to protect and nourish their society。

  21. He is a good observer, accurate, patient and objective and applies persistent and logical thought to the observations he makes。



  1. 但我們必須記住歸入海床和海洋這一專案下的那些內容廣泛的分項,其實質是近年來沒有討論過的。

  2. 第二次世界大戰是有史以來規模最大的一場全球性戰爭。要從中選取一些重大的戰役用一冊書把它們反映出來,顯然是一項十分艱巨的任務。

  3. 在這些國家經過無數犧牲而在國際上獲得主權的時候,我再來台灣訪問,並和台灣人民及其領導人會晤,這使我感到極為高興。

  4. 這個組織具有真正的國際性,但卻拒絕給予台灣應有席位的權利,這難道不是一個錯誤嗎?

  5. 人們斷定這一條款所針對的主要對象就是這樣的人:他們在許多城市已受到注意,在工作階級中開始產生影響。

  6. 決不能再拖延遣返我們九萬多名戰俘了。


  8. 有成就的科學家從不輕信。他們不接受任何論點,除非它們是基於目前最完整的證據。

  9. 他沒有脫衣服就跳進水�去救這對夫婦。

  10. 他們是周恩來派來專程接他的,雖然已來伊斯蘭堡三天了,卻一直沒有露過面。

  11. 面對這寧靜的良宵美景,他的煩惱不禁渙然冰釋了。

  12. 由於我們方面一錯再錯,加上運氣不好,才使羅斯福在這次大膽的軍事行動中得以成功。

  13. 紐約有五十四家百貨公司起了洛克菲勒總部的作用,因為它們向婦女顧客散發宣傳資料。

  14. 我必須把我的各項政治活動安排得十分緊湊,這樣我才能如期履行我的演講任務。

  15. 因此,我國代表團就不多占時間了,以免使委員會感到不耐煩。

  16. 每個國家需要以什麼來保衛它的國家安全,只有它自己能作出最好的決定。

  17. 看看那些政治上、商業上的傢伙們,他們整個生活都是在風險中度過的,可又都因此封爵。

  18. 他和總統站開了一點距離,以示尊敬。

  19. 為禮貌起見,他們沒有立即進去,而是等了一會兒,才輕輕走進元首的房子。

  20. 顯然,成千上萬的從來沒有想過自己會違法————更不要說犯罪————的美國人對於遵守那些旨在保護和培育他們的社會的法律條文,愈來愈表現得放肆起來,這是很令人痛心的。

  21. 凡有成就的科學家都善於觀察,且觀察得很精確、耐心和客觀。對觀察的結果鍥而不捨地進行合乎邏輯的思考。


